With the rise of graphics cards capabilities nowadays, their computing and rendering capabilities are sky rocketing but to be able to keep up with this and provide an excellent representation of the GPU's capabilities into actual gameplay you may require an excellent monitor which works cohesively with your GPU. Such monitors are also on the rise nowadays. As far as the GPU market goes there's been ton of research on which graphics cards are the best and they are all pretty much in the open. As far as monitors there's a lot of hidden gems out there and we will be providing you with that information in this article.
Specifically created to work with high end GPU's this monitor has the highest refresh rate on the market (360Hz), undisputable 1ms response time and most important G-SYNC technology which ties to high-end GPU's and tries to couple with their technology to draw the smoothest, clearest high quality images and gameplay you can imagine.
This monitor possesses 144Hz refresh rate with 1ms response time and 1920 x 1080 maximum resolution. If you want to go with a cheaper version of the ASUS ROG this is the monitor to go with.
Lightning fast 240Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time. Has it's own Dynamic Reaction technology for less blurring and smoother action gameplay which couples well with modern GPU's. Also compatible with PS5 and Xbox and can provide up to 120Hz refresh rate on those platforms. Height and tilt angles are also quite easy to adjust and customize.
Similiar to the BENQ XL but with better, state of the art technology and adjustability.